In today's digital age, Microsoft 365 has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes. However, with its vast array of features and capabilities, effective governance is essential to ensure data security, compliance, and optimal performance. In this blog post, we'll explore the key principles and best practices for Microsoft 365 governance, drawing insights from a recent webinar (watch below👇) featuring M365 MVP Rodrigo Pinto.

In this article:

Why governance matters ▶️ 04:01

Governance refers to the rules, policies, and processes in place to manage IT systems effectively and securely. In the context of Microsoft 365, governance ensures that platforms are used in alignment with organizational goals and regulatory requirements. When done well, organizations will see major benefits from Microsoft 365 governance, including:

  • Cost efficiency: Optimization of licensing and resources to manage budgets more efficiently.
  • Enhanced security: Protection of data and business assets from cyber threats through access controls, encryption, and data loss prevention.
  • Compliance: Enforcement of compliance with industry regulations and standards to reduce risks and legal or financial penalties.
  • Improved data management: Streamlined data storage, access, and sharing within the company.
  • Proactive monitoring and reporting: Regular monitoring and reporting of system activities to detect and address issues promptly.
  • Streamlined operations: Clear policies and procedures to reduce complexity and enable efficient work.
  • Scalability: Support for growth and easy adaptation of systems without compromising governance.
  • Improved collaboration: Secure and easily accessible data to foster better collaboration among users.

Core Governance scopes ▶️ 08:11

The benefits outlined above are the ideal for any organization. However, to achieve these goals, it's essential to identify and address the core governance scopes within your Microsoft 365 environment. By understanding these key areas, you can establish a robust framework for managing your platform effectively. These are some scopes to consider when planning your governance strategy:

  • ️Security and compliance 🛡: Establish policies for protecting sensitive information, implement access controls, data loss prevention, and audit logging. This maintains privacy and ensures compliance with regulations.
  • Data management 💾: Setting rules for efficient data storage, access, sharing, and retention.
  • Application and service configuration ⚙: Standardize the setup of Microsoft 365 applications to maintain consistency and security.
  • Monitoring and reporting 📈: Utilize tools for tracking system usage and performance to maintain operational efficiency.
  • User management and access control 🔒: Establish role-based access controls, implement multi-factor authentication and define user provisioning and de-provisioning processes.
  • Change management 🧩: Minimize disruptions to users, ensuring smooth adoption of new capabilities, updates and changes to Microsoft 365 settings and features.

Common pitfalls to avoid ▶️ 12:05

While implementing a robust governance strategy is crucial for success, many strategies fail due to some common mistakes. Some of these pitfalls include:

Pitfall Solution
⚠️ Lack of clear governance policies
Users may misuse features, leading to security risks or non-compliance.
✅ Create and document clear policies.
⚠️ Inadequate user training
Users may not fully understand how to use M365 tools or follow governance guidelines.
✅ Provide training and ongoing support.
⚠️ Overly restrictive permissions
This can slow down productivity, leading to workarounds that compromise governance.
✅ Implement a balanced approach to permissions.
⚠️ Poor data management
Organizations may struggle to manage data effectively, leading to data sprawl or loss.
✅ Establish strong data management practices.
⚠️ Neglecting compliance requirements
Failing to align M365 usage with regulatory requirements can lead to compliance breaches.
✅ Ensure governance policies align with regulations.
⚠️ Ignoring security features
Not utilizing M365's built-in security features can leave the organization vulnerable.
✅ Leverage the full range of M365 security features.
⚠️ Unmanaged shadow IT
Users might adopt apps outside of M365, leading to security risks.
✅ Regularly monitor shadow IT and provide approved alternatives.
⚠️ Lack of continuous monitoring and improvement
Governance is not a one-time setup.
✅ Implement a process for continuous monitoring, review, and improvement.
⚠️ Underestimating the importance of change management
Introducing new governance policies can lead to resistance.
✅ Apply change management best practices.
⚠️ Inconsistent application across teams
This can lead to confusion and non-compliance.
✅ Ensure governance policies are enforced uniformly.

Microsoft 365 governance best practices ▶️ 22:12

Here are the top 5 best practices for Microsoft 365 governance to ensure effective, secure, and compliant use of the platform within an organization:

  • Use Built-In Security Features
    • Why: Microsoft 365 offers robust security features to protect data and prevent cyber threats.
    • How: Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA), utilize conditional access policies, implement data loss prevention (DLP) measures, and employ encryption for sensitive data. Regularly monitor security reports and alerts.
  • Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Why: RBAC helps manage who can access what information and perform which tasks within M365, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.
    • How: Define clear roles and assign permissions based on job functions. Adhere to the principle of least privilege, ensuring users have only the necessary access. Regularly audit permissions to adjust for role changes or updates.
  • Develop Clear Governance Policies
    • Why: Well-defined governance policies provide guidelines for how Microsoft 365 tools should be used, ensuring consistency and compliance across the organization.
    • How: Create detailed documentation outlining acceptable use, security protocols, compliance requirements, data management practices, and user responsibilities. Regularly review and update these policies to align with new features or changes in regulatory standards.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Improvement
    • Why: Governance is an ongoing process. Continuous monitoring helps identify and address issues promptly, ensuring that governance measures remain effective over time.
    • How: Utilize M365's built-in monitoring tools to track user activities, security incidents, and compliance status. Set up automated alerts for unusual activities. Regularly review governance policies and practices, making improvements based on feedback and new developments.
  • Provide Regular Training and Awareness Programs
    • Why: Users who understand governance policies and security protocols are less likely to engage in risky behaviors or violate compliance requirements.
    • How: Conduct regular training sessions on M365 best practices, security awareness, and compliance. Offer resources and support to help users stay informed about new features, updates, and potential threats.

Microsoft 365 Admin Centers ▶️ 28:39

To effectively manage and govern your Microsoft 365 environment, leverage the following admin centers:

  • Security and Compliance Center: For threat protection, data loss prevention, and compliance management. It includes features such as data encryption, auditing, and threat management tools.
  • Exchange Admin Center: For managing email settings, permissions, and security. Provides tools for configuring mailboxes, managing email security, setting up retention policies, and controlling how emails are sent and received within the organization.
  • SharePoint Admin Center: For managing SharePoint sites, document libraries, and collaboration settings. Admins can manage site collections, user permissions, data sharing policies, and compliance settings to facilitate secure file sharing and collaboration.
  • Teams Admin Center: For managing teams, channels, and team settings. Allows administrators to control user access, meeting policies, chat settings, and integration with third-party apps to ensure secure and effective collaboration.


Governance is not just a one-time effort; it's an ongoing process.

By implementing effective governance practices and utilizing the powerful tools provided by Microsoft 365, you can create a secure, compliant, and efficient digital workplace. To centralize control over your Microsoft 365 environment, BindTuning offers the capability to configure governance policies and rules traditionally spread across multiple Microsoft Admin Centers.

Don't let governance become a burden. Let BindTuning help you simplify the process and focus on what matters most: empowering your users and achieving your organizational goals.

Get started