The modern workplace thrives on collaboration. Microsoft 365 offers a treasure trove of tools to empower your teams, but with great power comes responsibility. Striking a balance between user empowerment with self-service and robust governance is key. This is where governance templates come in.

What is Self-Servicing M365 Workspaces

Empowering your users to self-service their workspaces means they will be able create the Microsoft 365 workspace they need, without having to reach out to IT teams to create them. Imagine a team needing a space for a new project. With self-service, they can quickly create a secure Microsoft Teams workspace, eliminating IT bottlenecks. But there’s more. Whenever you enable self-servicing with already in use self-service tools - like Microsoft forms, ServiceNow, JIRA, and Zendesk - the impact becomes ever greater – users are already familiar with the tool, feel confident about using it, and become more productive.

Self-servicing workspaces, in some cases, can also translate into a more customizable experience. By giving users options to select workspaces from highly customized templated scenarios, triggered by data, self-servicing Microsoft 365 workspaces becomes an effective method to standardize processes and best practices.

However, unfettered self-service can lead to sprawl and security concerns. That's where governance steps up. Governance establishes clear policies and guardrails to ensure secure collaboration. It's like having a well-defined playbook for using Microsoft 365 effectively.

Pros of Self-Servicing M365 Workspaces

  • Increased User Autonomy: Employees can quickly create the workspaces they need without relying on IT.
  • Improved Productivity: Reduced wait times for workspace creation and modification.
  • Empowered Teams: Teams feel confident to create and tailor workspaces to their specific needs and workflows.
  • Reduced IT Burden: Automated and unattended provisioning become a reality. It frees up IT resources to focus on strategic initiatives.

Cons of Self-Servicing M365 Workspaces

  • Potential for Shadow IT: Users might create workspaces outside of established governance guidelines.
  • Increased Security Risks: Improper configuration of permissions and settings can lead to data breaches.
  • Lack of Standardization: Inconsistent workspace design and naming conventions can hinder collaboration.
  • Increased Sprawl: Users might create unnecessary workspaces, leading to overprovisioning, increased costs and resource consumption.

The Marriage of Self-Service and Microsoft 365 Governance

Self-service and Microsoft 365 governance, seemingly opposing forces, can be powerful allies. Here's how they work together to benefit your organization:

  • Increased Productivity & Decision Making: When the rule book has already been outlined, employees can confidently request the workspace they need, when they need them, minimizing IT roadblocks.
  • Employee Empowerment: Users gain confidence and control over their workspaces, fostering a sense of ownership and boosting morale.
  • Reduced Costs: Simply put, the larger your organization, the more bodies are needed to read tickets, execute changes, etc... Self-service frees up IT resources, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Mitigate shadow IT: Automating governance helps mitigate shadow IT risks by providing users with an intuitive self-service workspace request form within a pre-established framework and in line with the business established rules and policies

However, before enabling self-service, it's crucial to establish a solid governance strategy. Here's a quick guide on the top 5 Standard Practices for SharePoint Governance.

Self-Service Microsoft 365 workspace with Governance

At BindTuning were focused in empowering users to self-service their own workspaces and in simplifying IT admins work with reusable governance templates and centralizing all of the governance work across different Microsoft Admin Centers in one platform.

But what are these templates all about, you may ask. These templates package your ideal Microsoft 365 workspace configurations, complete with structure, content, and pre-configured governance policies.

In one unique platform, It admins can centralize all of their work to build consistent and well governed workspaces without going back and forth across Microsoft 365, Entra, Sharepoint or Microsoft teams admin center. Users can then self-serve the creation of their desired workspaces through BindTuning's platform or directly within the Microsoft Teams app. [add GIF]

Imagine effortlessly deploying secure and compliant workspaces for every team in your organization, in just a few minutes! Sign in at BindTuning with your Microsoft account and create your own template or install an existing one to experience the benefits firsthand.

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Empowering Your Users, the Right Way

Maintaining governance while self-servicing Microsoft 365 workspaces isn't about giving up control - it's about enabling a smarter, more secure collaboration environment. By implementing best practices and leveraging tools like BindTuning, you can empower your users while safeguarding your valuable data.